Outdoor Homeless Outreach


Have you ever walked by a homeless person and thought, “Why don’t you just get a job?’

In Pennsylvania, you can’t get a job without and ID. And you can’t get an ID without a birth certificate. And you can’t get either without money. We have assisted 70,000+ men and women get back on their feet by helping them get ID for employment, rehab, housing, traveling, etc.

Learn more at www.phillyrestart.com

Community Meal & Church

On Sunday afternoons, we invite women and men in to share the afternoon with us at the Helping Hand Rescue Mission.

At 1:45 pm we begin our Mission Church where our community sings, reads, tells stories, and hears their names called for many good things. We follow with a home-cooked meal.

We treat others as we want to be treated. And we like dessert, so we serve dessert.

Learn more at www.helpinghandphilly.com

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